Supplier Record Identification

* Required information

Please provide the legal business name of the entity to be updated: *

As indicated on your business documents (ie: Certificate of Incorporation).

Is your entity located in either Canada or the USA? *

Please provide the Federal Tax ID for your entity:

Are you transacting through Cenovus via Cortex? *

Please provide your Cortex Vendor ID (11xxxxxx):

Please provide your Postal/Zip Code:

Please select the type of update required: *

Address Update

Does this update apply to your ordering address, remittance address or both? *

Current/old street address:

Current/old city:

Current/old country:

Current/old province/state:

Current/old postal/zip code:

New street address:

New city:

New country please note:
If your entity has moved to a different country the update should be handled as a name change request. Please see this FAQ for guidance: Updating your Company Information.

New province/state:

New postal/zip code:

Please enter any comments regarding this address update:

Please provide a supporting document substantiating your Address Update. The document must be a PDF, PNG, or JPG file. Maximum size: 5MB.

  • Official Company Letter
  • Official Invoice with New Address

Is your contact information updating as a result of your new address?

Contact Information

New phone number (general):

New phone number (remit):

New phone number (sales):

New fax number (general):

New fax number (remit):

New fax number (sales):

New email address (general):

New email address (remit):

New email address (sales):

Sales contact name: *

Please enter any comments regarding this contact information update.

Banking Information Update

Please download, complete and attach Cenovus’ Electronic Payment Authorization Form:

Download Cenovus’ Electronic Payment Authorization Form (PDF)

Please provide a supporting document from the list below substantiating your Banking Information Update. The document must be a PDF, PNG, or JPG file and indicate the legal business name. Maximum size: 5MB.

  • Void Cheque (blank or handwritten cheques are insufficient)
  • Official bank letter – stamped or signed by a bank representative
  • Official copy of an invoice with banking instructions

Please enter any comments regarding this banking information update.

Payment Method

What is your current payment method with Cenovus? *

Please describe your payment method.

Please select your new desired payment method: *

Cenovus’ preferred method of payment is electronic. Please provide justification why you wish to move to cheque payments.

Please download, complete and attach Cenovus’ Electronic Payment Authorization Form:

Download Cenovus’ Electronic Payment Authorization Form (PDF)

Please provide a supporting document from the list below substantiating your Banking Information Update. The document must be a PDF, PNG, or JPG file and indicate the legal business name. Maximum size: 5MB.

  • Void Cheque (blank or handwritten cheques are insufficient)
  • Official bank letter – stamped or signed by a bank representative

Please enter any comments regarding this payment method update.

For guidance on changing the legal business name of your entity, please see this FAQ: Updating your Company Information.

Business Contact

Please identify a Business Contact in the event Cenovus requires a follow up for clarification/additional information. The individual should be readily available and MUST be an authorized representative (Financial Controller, Legal Department, or equivalent).

Contact name: *

Contact position: *

Contact phone including country code: *

Contact email *

Please verify the CAPTCHA *